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New here. TV shows making fun of herpes?!

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Hi i just joined here because i figured i should get some advice from others. I was diagnosed a year ago. Still in denial (had a positive and then a negative test) im going to a specialist soon to find out for sure. Im pretty depressed about it all still and never go out. The thought of dating anyone seems to be in the past for me. Anyways ive noticed alot more now that tv shows are constantly making fun of H. The show Chasing Life alone has made fun of it twice and has only had 6 episodes now. Ive heard it on a lot more shows and dont understand how these shows get away with it. If they had made fun of any other disease or virus they would be in deep crap. It makes me sad because i feel like because its a "laughing matter" on shows that it will be in real life and thats why ive given up on trying to have any relationships. I never laughed at the jokes before i got it. its just not funny and rude.

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You are welcome....and a year is so long to be depressed and I am sorry that you are still in a bad place after that time. Definitely clarity on your results is important.


Can I ask, what were your results, what was the method of the test (blood or culture) and was it HSV1 or 2 and where was the outbreak?


Whether you are positive or negative in the end, you need to definitely get definitive results so you can move forward.


I will tell you what helped me....I would read and reread Herry the Herp's posts...they always made me laugh and he always has a unique twist on things. I would just read and laugh about having herpes and honestly, it helped me not take it so seriously.


WSDancer is the site's "straight talk", "tell it like it is with your best interest at heart"; she is lovely and you will definitely get lots of good information if you search the site for her discussions and comments.


So, post away, with all your raw emotions as most of us have had the same ones and some still do....we all have our bad days and we just try to have more good ones than bad. You will get there. Baby steps.....



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Hello and Welcome!


Quick note about posting - just hit the post button once ... it *looks* like it didn't go through, but it did ... it's a bug in the system. If you are concerned, copy the post and then go check to make sure it went through.


As far as the jokes - it's a joke. Period. People, especially comedians and sit-coms, make fun of EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. You are just hyper-sensitive to it right now because of your status ... but there are jokes about handicapped people, blacks, "fluffy" people, blonds, and any other demographic you can think of. Shows like Family guy, southpark, etc have pretty much covered every "sensitive" subject out there ... they just didn't hit you because they are not about "you"..... but the reality is that the Herpes jokes are not about YOU ... so don't take them personally.


You seem to think other illnesses/sensitive issues are not mentioned/covered? That's because you don't register them because it doesn't involve something that is sensitive to you...read this article, and you may have another point of view around this..




As for meeting someone and finding love ... you certainly won't meet anyone if you dont get out and try. We have TONS of success stories on here all the time - I have over 30 just since January that I have recorded... and maybe only 5 or 6 "failures" (many of which likely were not a good match anyway). I'll list a few below...but go check out the Success Story section here ... you'll find tons of stories to show you that you CAN find love with H... many of whom say that they are now in the HEALTHIEST relationship they have ever been in ... 15-20% of the population has genital herpes and I can tell you, the majority have not become Monks/Nuns ;)





http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/3439/tonight-is-my-night NSgreenville (male) (READ TO THE END!!)

http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/3453/proper-vocabulary-i-have-herpes-vs-im-a-carrier-of-hsv blueeyes… ending 8 yr dry spell from terror to elation

http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/3736/disclosed-to-the-guy-i-like-on-the-first-meeting Helzbelz88


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