Inside coaching:

Transform your guilt into something beneficial

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Transform your guilt into something beneficial
"Work with what's coming up as guilt, and mold it into something more beneficial."

You may experience guilt when you wanted a relationship so badly, you were yearning for it so deeply, that you may not have made the best choices. Perhaps it wasn't being 100% honest with a potential partner. You could try having more compassion for yourself when that guilt comes up. We often expect the best and plan for the worst in difficult situations. But there's a point of diminishing returns in planning for the worst. You can over-think your guilt. But you also owe it to yourself to inhabit the other potential for better outcomes to happen, to learn from the misstep. We often dwell in the guilt and beat ourselves up over it. What's showing up as guilt is often our integrity telling us we could have done better. And sometimes it can be a wake up call or a reminder that we do indeed still have integrity, but it was tested. In the long run, it's good because it means our integrity is intact, but that is also what is bringing up guilt. BUT it means that the system is working.

P.S. This video is part of the free "inside coaching" series.

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