The placebo effect:

Put herpes into perspective by using the power of your mind

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Put herpes into perspective by using the power of your mind

You've heard of the placebo effect. It is the phenomenon where a patient is given a sugar pill and is told that it is the drug that will make them better (a medical white lie); nearly 2/3 of patients who take the placebo begin feeling better. The mind is so much more powerful than we give it credit for.

So how does this effect apply to herpes (or anything else that might be derailing us from our lives)? It shows us that what we focus on becomes stronger, even in a very real tangible way.

A Wired magazine article said:

“The fact that an increasing number of medications are unable to beat sugar pills has thrown the industry into crisis. … Why are inert pills suddenly overwhelming promising new drugs and established medicines alike?”

Now even science is catching up to the fact that we are what we think. If the power of our own minds on our own state of health can be more powerful than those multi-billionaire Big Pharma fat cats, then we have some serious thinking to do. Whatever we tell ourselves over and over about herpes will come to pass, sooner than we may think. And that’s the exciting news. Let’s dig down deep into our own values for ourselves and recognize some core principles of our own worth and beauty. Let’s start telling ourselves those things and keep telling ourselves those things until it becomes the experience of our lives. Or better yet, let’s just inherently recognize that we are whole as we are right now and everything else will fall into place.

P.S. I am not insinuating that thinking can cure us of herpes outbreaks. What I am saying is that our minds are the creators of our realities from how we interpret our situation. And our interpretation of our reality is ultimately our choice.

P.S. This video is part of the free "inside coaching" series.

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