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The past is just a story

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So I follow this blog Girls Guide To and I reposted their picture


It says "The past is just a story and once you realize this it has no power over you!"


YOu can follow the link below to see it it's the second picture. Though it says Girls Guide To this blog has a lot of motivational and informative posts.


My point is our past including H i just that!! a story. It's a chapter in the story of our lives and our lives are far from over!!



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sending lots of love and light

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Thanks for the positivity Dom :)

I wrote in a blog one time something that pertains to this.

It was about a favorite quote of mine "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending." - Maria Robinson.

I create my story. I am the author of my life. Sometimes I write with a pen and can't erase it, but what I can do is keep writing and moving forward.

Our lives. Our stories. We have the power to live however we choose. :)


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How wonderful Dom and Cedar. It also reminds me of a similar idea that nothing is good or bad, it just is and we decide for ourselves whether something is positive or a negative. Same with H. At the beginning I thought it was awful, worst thing ever but as I have lived with it, grown, healed and reached out I have come to realize it was a blessing. I still have H, nothing has changed in that regard, but what changed is my thoughts and beliefs about it and what it means for me. When we realize we have that power of choice, it is so freeing. The other idea is that frees me when I am stressed about something is the idea that the stress comes from fighting "what is". "It what it is" has been my mantra for a long time and I have come to realize I can either fight what is in this moment or I can accept it and live with it and move on. Again, all my choice.

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