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A Story: Shitty Events Cause Outbreaks

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I haven't posted in a while, I guess because I've been symptom-free for about that time. Last post I was thinking about dating and how to do it. No success stories here. I have developed a crush on an unlikely person, though. We work at the same company, but it's huge and we're in different divisions. I'm in IT and he's in Personnel. He's like a newer rendition of Jimmy Stewart, and as cute as as he absolutely clueless. He's got a vintagey sort of charm about him, and he's extremely clean cut and well put together. He's a bit awkward and shy, and he's genuinely nice. I'm definitely awkward and shy, but I'm a bit less clean cut, I cuss like a sailor (prerequisite to working in the oilfield), I have tattoos, crazy hair, and while I dress professionally, still a little "edgey". I'm a really sweet person (after coffee) and I have a killer sense of humor. We are both full time single patents, and he made it a point to tell me he was single. He flirts with me, always smiles at me, and always makes a point to say hi. I thought that all meant something, but now I think I was wrong.


So for the shitty event: last week, as I was picking my 3 year old from daycare, my car was broken in to and my purse and all of its contents was stolen. I don't have a lot of "valuable" material possessions, but my phone, my money, and you know, all of the things you carry to get you by were probably the most valuable material possessions I do own. My son's favorite Lightning McQueen car was in my purse along with some sentimental things from my beautiful mother that passed away recently. Drivers license, checks, keys, insurance cards.... Yeah, everything. Sadly, I bet most of it is rotting in a ditch or dumpster somewhere (I live in a pretty big city). And not that I run out and seek pity or anything, but strangely, most people have not been terribly sympathetic. I've gotten scolded more than anything else, which I deserve, I suppose for leaving my purse in a locked car at my son's daycare unattended for mere moments. But I'm not searching for sympathy just not looking to get scolded. Trust me, Lesson learned.


Now back to Jimmy Stewart. I ran into him, and we've talked on occasion about certain topics and developed a very friendly report, so I wanted to share the event with him. I told him what happened just sort of matter-of-factly, and even cracked a little joke about it. He basically, dryly said "Wow, that sucks" and abruptly turned to talk to another girl as she walked by, which he had never behaved like that towards me before. I was a little shocked.


I just kind of shrugged my shoulders and walked off. No sympathy. Why is that? I would sympathize with someone. I know not everyone is the same. I had never really delivered a "bad news" type conversation to him, so maybe he sucks at complicated situations? So, is this how he would have reacted to a disclosure, if he were ever an option for me?


Well, today I'm having a full on OB probably from the stress, plus I have other things to concern myself with at the moment. But I wonder if that's a good test to see how someone would react? If someone can't handle stressful situations or conversations well, they probably wouldn't handle a disclosure well? What do you think?

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Good luck, be brave and follow your heart! Don't worry so much about the dating or disclosure because it will probably have a million possible outcomes and you can will never be sure of the response. But your not alone in worrying about it and all of us who do worry about it support you fully. I hope your week is going better and you are feeling less stressed. :)

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Thank you so much for your support! I didn't truly believe I had a chance with this guy, and I'm hopeful that I'll meet someone one day that likes me for who I am with my unfortunate luck, weird sense of humor, and everything else that makes me who I am. :-)

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