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Well that was a mess...but success!

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I have been dating a great woman the past few weeks, but this cloud was just hanging over my head. It is still pretty early on in the relationship, i dont know her all that well but things were moving quickly in to the point I had to say something this weekend.


I was all ready, had all my facts in order, knew what I was going to say. You know how smooth it comes out in those videos...yeah... it was nothing like that. We watched a movie at my house and when it was over..it was now or never. I went in with confidence but as soon as I opened my mouth to talk I just went blank...I was a complete bumbling idiot. It.was.bad. I kinda just stood there for a minute with my mouth open and her staring at me then this random stuff just came pouring out all out of order and confused it was a complete train wreck.


It was so awful that I didn't even hear her say she didn't care! I just kept talking and she finally had to tell me to shut up and listen. It is a complete non issue for her. She was more impressed that I told her, thought it was sweet but silly that I was nervous about it. I explained the risks and she laughed said she understood and has been tested for it. She works in the medical field and understands what it is. She just shrugged and said we would be careful but if that is the worst thing about me it was not a big deal.


I kinda just stood there like a fool, shocked. It was so bad...I started again like maybe you didn't hear me... lol! It took under five minutes and we just went on with the rest of the night and made plans for the rest of the week. She even laughed the next morning about my delivery, she thought it was cute ha! I am still in shock.

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