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Acyclovir and acne?

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I've had cystic acne all my life. I'm 51 and got diagnosed about three months ago. I was having OB about every three weeks. No Lysine or other non medical approach helped. Now taking acyclovir 400/2x a day.

My OB stopped and my face cleared up. I'm oddly thrilled and wondered if anyone else ever had this happen and do you know why?


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Hello! I'm new to H too, and I really hope I can help in any way I can.


Acyclovir works by incorporating DNA molecules into the Herpes virus, which will result in it not being able to multiply, which results in the OB stopping and preventing further OBs.


Cystic acne is caused by hyper-sensitivity to male hormones, so more sebum is produced, which makes the skin swollen and covered in acne.


Acne will be treated by an antibiotic of some kind, whereas acyclovir is an antiviral; so they are made to treat completely different things. Sadly, there is no link here, that I can see.


Maybe ask your doctor, they will be much more knowledgeable, I'm only a student, ahah.


Good luck

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