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Will waxing cause another herpes outbreak?

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Is it safe? You sound like Laurence Olivier asking Dustin Hoffman whether he has any cavities.


Unfortunately, the only way for you to find out is to give it a try. That's right, having herpes turns your body into one giant science experiment for you to study and learn from. For some people, it does, for others, it doesn't. We're all different, and what triggers an OB for one person, won't for another.


My advice? Have fun discovering what works for you and what doesn't. Don't live your life in fear and don't be afraid to live your life the way you did before your diagnosis.

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Worst case scenario is it does cause an outbreak. At first thought some would cringe and instead never try it. But think of it this way... your waxing will last longer than any breakout, period. If you are on suppressants I doubt it would cause an outbreak and if it did it would be a fraction of your last outbreak.I'm actually considering waxing for myselfI'll be sure to make a post. So I say give it a try. Good luck stay well , live long and prosper.

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I had my first ob a couple of weeks ago and i was petrified of shavin down there and i didnt which i hated cuz im a bald eagle kind of gal... but yesterday i did and woah i was scared to death but it felt great to be back to my bald eagle self lol... i kno shavin is alot diff from waxin but i wanted to share my little experience maybe for encouragement... so far so good down there and i dnt thank ill be so scared to shave next time... jus try and see wat happens... ive never waxed down there but always wondered how bad it wld hurt cuz i get tired of havin to shave all the time lol .. woman have so much to shave.. legs. Underarms. Down south(if they like) . Stomach.. blah blah blah... never endin cycle lol.. goodluck !!

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So based on what everyone said, I went ahead and did it. And now we wait.


I'm not taking anything suppressive yet, bc my Dr. didn't want to put me on anything until she was sure I needed it. I have been taking lysine & monolaurine bc I've read that they are both supposed to help, and I do have a bottle of Valtrex & a script for that just in case.


Rainyday5249 I was debating between waxing & shaving, & though based on some other posts that waxing might be better just be you have to do it less often. Not gonna lie...it hurt like a b#%ch. It's never fun, but I might have made it worse bc I was so nervous. It's over really quickly & once you're done it doesn't really hurt. I know what you mean about trying to get back to yourself, bald or otherwise LOL. Have felt AWFUL the past few weeks & even something like knowing I'm not going to scare anyone in my bathing suit helps me feel a little better.

I am so thankful for all the advice I've gotten on the few questions I have posted!

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When I've done it in the past, it's a good 2 weeks before anything really noticeable grows back. The downside is you need to let it go about 2 more weeks before you can wax again. If you keep it up, you end up waxing less & less often. And the place I go will do like a "touch up" LOL. So maybe you don't need it ALL done but just in spots. I'm gonna try to keep it up just bc I don't want to have to wonder if "that" is razor burn or something else.

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