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How to give the herpes talk in a long distance relationship

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Hi everyone, newbie here, just joined yesterday and I have to say I'm really excited to be a part of such a supportive community. So I have a question for you all, and any advice would be greatly appreciated. I contracted HSV 2 from my ex back in December after he had cheated on me. I haven't been with anyone ( romantically) since then. A few weeks I reconnected with a guy I went to high school with and we hit off instantly. He really cares for me as I care for him, and I can honestly say we are perfect for each other and he would agree ( said so himself). We are currently in a long distance relationship and he does not know that I have herpes. We're supposed to spend a weekend together at the end of November ( my birthday weekend) and I have a feeling sex will involved at some point during that time. Now here's my question should I tell him before hand like during a Skype video chat or wait until we see each other. He's also a pretty logical and level- headed guy if that makes a difference. I am pretty nervous about giving "the talk" because I don't want to lose him. 

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Hi Faith!


Sorry it's taken a few days to get to your question. I try to stay on top of answering as many questions as possible that don't get answered by the community.


My personal opinion is that if you're assuming sex will be involved that weekend, I would imagine he's thinking the same thing. :) A Skype disclosure before you make the trip is better than waiting until you're in person with expectations high and then having the talk. In all of my experiences of having the herpes talk, it has brought me closer together to the people who I'm meant to be close to. Having a Skype chat while checking your own perspective to having herpes would be the way to go in my opinion. If it's meant to be, then the chat will draw you two closer. It has a tendency to do that. :)

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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